Cryptic Gravestone at Sunset

by John Twynam
Cryptic Gravestone at Sunset
John Twynam
The Bean cryptic gravestone in Rushes Cemetery in Ontario, is seen during a late evening sunset.
To decode it, start at the "I" close to the center and work outwards in a combination of a spiral and a zig zag to get this:
In memoriam: Henrietta, Ist wife of S. Bean, M.D., who died 27th Sep. 1865, aged 23 years, 2 months and 17 days, and Susanna, his 2nd wife, who died 27th April, 1867, aged 26 years, 10 months and 15 days. 2 better wives 1 man never had, they were gifts from God but are now in Heaven. May God help me, S.B., to meet them there.
October 18th, 2021
Comments (19)

Paul Quinn
I had to look this one up. Very interesting. A beautiful night sky capture behind this very unusual headstone!
John Twynam replied:
Yeah this definitely piqued my interest - I first found out about it in a book I bought called "Top 160 Unusual Things to See in Ontario", which I've been using when planning day trips to help cure covid boredom. I found a couple of sites that decode the message, though I forget what they said. I think the unanswered part is "why".