Desolate Swamp in a Forest in Ontario
by John Twynam
Desolate Swamp in a Forest in Ontario
John Twynam
A desolate swamp sits in the middle of an early-spring forest on the Cooper's Falls hiking trail in the Muskoka region of Ontario on a cloudy day, reflecting the trees in the water.
Cooper's Falls is an old pioneer town that's now considered a ghost town, although there are still people who live there. The trail follows an old route through the forest and rocks.
September 15th, 2021
Comments (16)
Morris Finkelstein
Beautiful landscape photograph of a swamp with great colors, perspective, light and reflections, and composition! F/L
Andrew Wilson
Beautiful reflection of the sky! I will have to do that trail in the spring!
John Twynam replied:
Thanks! I did it in early April 2021, and there were sections that were quite muddy. Not impassable, just make sure you're wearing proper boots. :) Also, I hadn't really done any hiking in Muskoka at the time - usually when I go there, I go to a cottage and spend the days by the lake. I'm a bit of a city slicker, at least in the sense that I've lived in Toronto all my life, but I really prefer to be out in places like this. I wasn't prepared for the rockiness of the hikes in Muskoka - a "hike" in Toronto is usually a flat dirt path through the woods, maybe with a tree root exposed now and then. The ones I did in Muskoka were much more interesting.