Looking Out Over the Luther Marsh in Ontario
by John Twynam
Looking Out Over the Luther Marsh in Ontario
John Twynam
A low shot looking out from a rocky beach over the Luther Marsh in Southern Ontario on a sunny day.
This 5900-hectare property centres on the 1400-hectare Luther Lake, created in 1954 by the construction of the Luther Dam. The surrounding wetlands, fields, and forests provide a habitat to a wide variety of birds, animals, plants, and trees, making it a popular spot for hikers and hunters. Many accounts claim that it's one of the best bird-watching spots in Ontario.
Anyone who explores this area should be prepared with a good bug spray. I forgot mine at home the day I went, and the bugs were so bad that I had to cut my hike short and visit a nearby town to buy some before visiting my next destination.
July 3rd, 2021