Sunset at the Historic Goderich Lighthouse
by John Twynam
Sunset at the Historic Goderich Lighthouse
John Twynam
The sun sets over Lake Huron as seen from the historic Goderich Lighthouse.
Goderich is the oldest Canadian light station on Lake Huron and first consisted of a pair of range lights established in the early 1830s. The current lighthouse structure was completed in 1846, though it underwent several modifications.
In November 1913, two major storm fronts converged on the Great Lakes and created the deadliest and most destructive natural disaster to strike the region. Hurricane force winds whipped up thirty-five-foot-tall waves on Lake Huron that claimed eight freighters and their crew totaling nearly 200. After bodies wearing life jackets washed ashore at Goderich, an inquest was held to determine if more couldn’t have been done to help the ships in distress.
One of the issues was that there was really nobody officially responsible for blowing the foghorn - it was blown whenever someone happened to think about it.
May 22nd, 2021